Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Lao Lao Garden has the fastest internet connection in Luang Prabang.

Or so I was told by a nice couple who’d been staying at the same hotel as me (they left today for southern Laos). And as far as I can tell, they were right! Looks like I’m going to be able to post some photos from a few afternoon bike trips while at FLO (Future Light Orphanage which is outside Phnom Penh, Cambodia).

I just had a dish of fried noodles with vegetables (and curry added per my request) and a mango smoothie with yogurt. It was one of my favorite meals I’ve had in Luang Prabang thus far.

Also, the place seems really *hip. Here are some things written in their menu:

“Wherever You Go, There You Are!” (I’m using their spelling and capitalization btw.)

“Everything Changes, Nothing Is Real. We Are All Capable Of Change. Not Only Are We Capable Of Change – Change is Inevitable.”

“Neither Be Happy When Things Go Our Way, Nor Unhappy When They Do Not.”

“The Rich Never Go To Jail. The Poor Never Go To Hospital.” Lao Proverb

“Whatever Lessens Suffering In Yourself And Others, This Is Right. We Cannot Give Up On Any Person. Never Abandon Anyone.”

“Forgiveness Is Superior To Justice. Revenge And Justice Are Not The Same.”

“We Tend To Seek Happiness, When Happiness Is Actually A Choice.”

“The Simpler The Life, The Happier The Life.”

And lastly,

A. The same places that anyone would go: school, the temple, to visit family and friends. They want to know why you take so many pictures of them and what you are looking for if you already have everything you need?

Enjoy the pictures that I took while biking (around the area where FLO is located).

Laundry almost always looks pretty; if you wear bright clothes, that is!
Twice I just happened to get a red bicycle.
This wat is the furthest away from FLO; it only took about 15-minutes to bike to it.
Just liked the way that looked.
Lots going on along this dirt thoroughfare.
Just part of a typical routine in Cambodia (in the countryside, in the city too perhaps?).
About the same, but the cow moved. See?
There were several cows around.
This guy was saying hey . . . or something like that.
I think he's protecting the wat (or pagoda is what they really say).
This little guy wanted his picture taken; I said, "Kay."
I've been told that a famous movie star with many, many children "got" her first one here; it's just down the road from FLO.
Like I said, lots of activity happening on this dirt road. 
I asked permission before I took their photo; now I realize that they were getting ready for the festival which began around the 13th of September.
Now this guy is a major stud in the area. How do I know? Well, his size for one, his BODY size. He's a good head or two taller than other cattle. And for second, by ALL the many people who gathered one day around him examining him . . . I didn't ask any questions.
One afternoon I rode up to this wat and sat down on a bench under the tree. Before you could say, "Jack Squat," I was surrounded by lots and lots of little kids. These two just cried out to be photographed (well not vocally, but with their eyes they cried out  : ~ ).
And now . . . back to thumbing through the Lao Lao Garden menu.

Love and light to you all,


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