Monday, August 22, 2011

Talent Show Night at FLO !

The woman in pink works at FLO; she made some yummy curry which was the impetus for this "party" night.
Three of my students having fun while waiting in line for chow time to begin.
Yum! They all got apples for dessert.
Each child rinses off their breakfast, lunch, or dinner plate.
It was a phenomenal sunset. The barbed wire? It's on top of the fence which surrounds FLO.
The water is on FLO's property.
The colors just kept getting more and more vibrant!
Hmm, which prize do I want? Rob's (eGlobal founder) daughter is on left; she did an excellent job organizing the evening's activities.
One of my students. He won a prize for his fabulous drawing, and then he gave it to me! What a wonderful gift. : )
Sean and I also loved this drawing; the artist gave her creation to Sean. Nice!
Chancy cooking up some delicious popcorn, complete with melted butter.
And then the dancing really got going!
Fun was most certainly had by all !!!

With warm aloha,


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