Monday, July 18, 2011

OMG! There's an European Union Film Festival that happens to coincide with my stay in Chiang Mai !!!!!

Hi Everyone,

Yes, I just "by chance" passed by a place with a pamphlet with the "happenings" for art in the area, picked it up thinking I'd give it a look-see. Found a *cool/hip hotel/restaurant/bar/whatever and decided to set a spell and drink in the day . . . when I opened this flyer and discovered the following ! :

It looks like I'll be able to see several films on Friday the 22nd of July, the night before I leave Chiang Mai for BKK (and the final prep, i.e. laundering, getting ready for the Cambodia and teaching leg of this trip.).

How cool is that???? I'm so jazzed. Where is it? On B-1 on the map. That's all I know. But this determined girl will figure out a way to convey that information to the tuk-tuk or taxi driver . . . or, gasp!, I may have a scooter then . . . but how to return it before I fly out the following day? Oh, those are details to work out a lifetime away from now. Something will come to me, inspiration will find me, or, I'll just "figure it out." lol I love how I'm learning to just be quiet for a moment, listen, and the answer comes; it always does : ). Oh, that relates to everything, doesn't it?

Kay den, that's it. Just wanted to share the "good news." That's how it is, isn't it? When something good happens, we want to share it. Why? Because we're excited, happy, just plain jazzed that Wow! something else good is happening!!!

And in that vein, I hope that you too have good news to share. Maybe it's just the wonderfully simple satistfaction that comes from a tasty meal. Or a store clerk who looks at you and smiles. Or the simple joy of knowing that you're alive, and that that's the u l t i m a t e gift, to be alive. (Would love to hear your good news. : )

I've written a few of you who took the time to write such nice and encouraging things in response to my last glob entry . . . the main gist is that I am so very, very thankful to be on this adventure. And by that I mean, the ultimate adventure, which is l i f e. This trip to SE Asia is but a metaphor for the BIG thing, the real thing, the (excuse me for my repetition), the ultimate thing. To be in a human body living on this earth, meeting each and every one of you precious souls . . . ah, it doesn't get better than that, does it?

Please know that I sincerely am so very thankful to know you, whether it be for a blink-of-the-eye, a long afternoon, or for a lifetime. Each and every one of you is so very important to me, and I don't say (okay, type : ) that lightly. I really, really mean it.

And oh, the cooking school deal was a blast. I've got **"Susan-Jane-made" Phad Thai and mango sticky rice waiting for me back at my pad. We had sooooo much to eat that nearly all of us got "to-go" (plastic bags with a rubber band, such a practical way to pack leftovers!) baggies for din-din.

And with that, I'm signing off . . . and oh, get this, the hotel has on channel 48 a French TV station !!!! Last night I stayed up late watching a funny French film with English sub-titles. How cool is that!!! Yes, gifts keeps falling to me from everywhere I look. And yes, I don't take any of them for granted. I am very, very thankful.

Love, love, and more love to you all,



**got a nice ring to it, doesn't it? maybe that's what I'll do "next," make Susan-Jane-made whatchamacallits!

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