Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Enroute . . . and . . . I might have just met my first client ! : )

Aloha Everyone,

I’m sitting in the lovely airport in Taipei. Why lovely? They have free internet access and a comfortable place to sit during my 6-hour layover.

And, I might have just met my first client.

Client? you ask. What are you talking about?

Well, I’m heading to Bangkok to attend a four week CELTA course in order to earn a certificate to teach English to non-native speakers. I’d love to have a group of clients from all over the world, clients with whom I can have private lessons using Skype. And yep, who would then mahalo me using paypal.

And after I struck up a conversation with these nice young men who work here at the airport in security, one returned to give me his contact information saying that his friend might like to take English lessons. Now wouldn’t that be cool. : )

Meanwhile, here’s my itinerary:

I’ve already taken the 8+ hour flight from Honolulu to Tokyo.

And the 3.5 hour flight from Tokyo to Taipei.

I’m in the world of the 6-hour layover.

And here I’ve already met some very nice people. B i g S m i l e. The journey has indeed begun.

And, I ran into some acquaintances from Kauai. Yep, here in Taipei on the sky train I struck up a conversation with a man who looked so very familiar to me.

“Are you from Kauai?” I asked.

“Yes,” he replied.

“And your name, pray tell?”


“We made a video with you and your wife years ago . . . for Ameritech . . . you were mountain biking . . . ” “Yes! with you and Thomas.”

Uh-huh . . . the world is indeed small. And standing right next to him? Me from the former Mema restaurant. Remember the one? In Kapaa? My husband and I had dinner there the night before Iniki struck September 11, 1992.

: ) And it’s just started! This journey of ours, for I do feel like it’s your journey too. I can feel you here with me walking by my side.

I love you all and appreciate your kind notes that keep trickling in. My friend Mary Hunter sent this precious prayer which was included in the May 24th edition of The Writer’s Almanac:

Flannery's Angel

by Charles Wright

Lead us to those we are waiting for,

Those who are waiting for us.

May your wings protect us

may we not be strangers in the lush province of joy.

Remember us who are weak,

You who are strong in your country which lies beyond the thunder,

Raphael, angel of happy meeting,

resplendent, hawk of the light.

And for your viewing pleasure, some photos I snapped since I left beautiful Kaua‘i.

Ran into Marti at the Kauai airport

Big B747-400 plane in Honolulu

Highlight of Tokyo airport

Taipei airport

New friends

Hawaiians enroute to Bali

Chela & Susan Jane at the Kaua‘i airport at 5:45 a.m. May 24th

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