Friday, June 24, 2011

I made it!

C'est moi! Fini!

Hi Everyone,

The CELTA course is officially over, and I made it! Fortunately, I ended on a high note with my best practice teaching session ever. I decided that I really wanted to have fun, and I did. I still prepared a lesson plan, still had an idea of what I was going to do and what I needed to cover in order to help the students clearly distinguish the difference between present simple and present continuous (I jump every day. Is this a habit? Yes. So it’s . . . present simple. I am jumping. Am I doing this now? Yes. So it’s . . . present continuous), and still met my aim . . . but THIS time, I had fun!

And I think they did too.

One of my fellow trainees told me, “You had me too; I had to watch to see what was going to happen next.” : )

Now that makes me smile.

“So what’s next?” you ask.

I’m not sure exactly.

I have 4-weeks “free” in Thailand before I report to an *orphanage in Cambodia where I’m going to volunteer teach for 8-weeks. They’ve asked me to teach two classes a day: one with Elementary level students and one with Pre-Intermediate students. “The ages of the students?” I’ve been told that the ages will range from 11 to 17. “The class size?” I’ve been told that it might be with 15-20 students or 35 and more. So . . . your guess is as good as mine.

I’m to supplement their regular classes with a curriculum focusing on speaking and writing. My rough sketch is to have a theme for each week, a collection of practical things that they can really use. I’ll take what I learned this last week at CELTA and put it into action. “What are those things?” you ask. Well, for starters, I’ve been told that the students like a rhythm, a pattern, so that they know Wednesday is “story” day and Tuesday is “games” day, etc. Friday will be the “review” day. I think I can use the same theme for each class; I’ll just grade my language (do my best to make it match their level) and adapt the activities for the two different levels.

So, this is where YOU come in! I have already made a very, very rough sketch of what those 8 themes will be, BUT I’d love to hear from you. Get your opinions on what YOU think they should be. I’ll keep you posted on what comes in and what I decide to do.

I’ve got a collection of shots from yesterday’s party. Have fun checking out who I’ve been hanging out with for these past 4-weeks. And you’ll notice me with two other students holding official-looking certificates. The fun gal-pal–fellow-trainee who hosted the barbeque two weeks ago surprised us at the “unofficial” but “real” party after at a Mexican restaurant called “Coyote.” (“Mexican?” Yes, I know. There’s e v e r y t h i n g here! “The food?” It was good, but of course it doesn’t even come close to Marcie’s! No place or person could!) The “winners” of the certificates were selected in a fun happenstance kind of way immediately after she pulled them out of her bag. When you read the label on mine, you’ll see that it essentially says, “Biggest Nerd.” : ) Yep, that’s me. And happily so.

Okay then, time to sign off and enjoy the day as a carefree student who’s just “graduated.” What will I do? Not sure. I may go to that HUGE market at the end of the BTS line that a friend on Kaua‘i told me about just a couple of nights before I left, just a few weeks ago really . . . that seems like ages ago!

And, I’m lucky enough to have been invited to a “Bangkok Vice” party tonight to celebrate the 50th birthday of a new friend’s husband. I’m supposed to “dress to impress—Miami Vice style!” Fortunately, I already have one cool top . . . I’m wearing it in the shot at the top of the page. : ) Thanks to my buddies from the retreat I attended back in February on Kaua‘i, I stepped out of my normal realm of dressing and tried on a “different” looking top from the sales rack at Roots. And this is what I found; I love it!

And I love you too.

Thanks dear friends for coming along with me on this journey. I have a feeling that it’s just getting started.

With warm aloha,



It just so “happens” that a group from the Honolulu rotary club will be there for part of the time that I’m also there! Ends up they sponsor or help out this orphanage. Yes, small, small world.

Shots from the closing day . . .
International House staff
iH Teachers
The "official" party
Party group shot
New friends . . .
More new friends . . .
And more new friends!
Moi and a new student friend
Trainees and students
CELTA pod THREE plus one
Party grinds. Notice the mangosteen and rambutan?
Class "action" shot 1
Class "action" shot 2
(I was acting out what it is to be a detective . . . it made sense at the time : )
Can you tell that we're having fun?!?!?
Da certificate close-up . . . I think my smiley face was contagious . . . : )

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

I fell on my face yesterday . . .

Teaching practice 7 was a complete disaster.

And I didn’t even realize it at the time.

As early as the 1500s (*), people have used the expression “you can’t see the forest for the trees.”

Yesterday, that was me.

Yesterday, all I saw was the lesson plan. I completely lost sight of the students and the reason I was there.

I’d been told this could happen by one of the three tutors (and the one who critiqued me yesterday, btw). Oh no, not to me, I’d thought. I wouldn’t do that! I’d always realize that the students came first.

Ha! I was so very wrong.

Do you see the egg on my face?

Do you see me walking around in a forest bumping into trees and getting egg all over my face in the process? (**)

I was so caught up in using the correct protocol that I lost sight of why I was there.

I had so wanted to try out this brand-new-to-me “test-teach-test” lesson plan that I had tried to force some square pegs into round holes. Despite my pounding, they never fit.

And, one of the most very (***) important concepts that we’d been taught, and which I’d correctly addressed in written assignment two, had completely escaped landing in my heart of comprehension.

“What in the heck do you mean, Susan Jane, by your ‘heart of comprehension’? Can you not talk plain English?” you ask.

Well, intellectually I’d learned this particular concept about needing a context for each MFP (Meaning, Form & Pronunciation) session. In written assignment two (see below), I’d thought up a context for when someone would make the statement, “If only I’d been more romantic with her!” BUT, I hadn’t gotten it that this also applied to our lesson plan, that it wasn’t just some written assignment we needed to turn in: i.e. If you’re going to teach students some new something or other (grammar, lexis, or pronunciation), you have to give them a context of how and when it’s used (and as I type this, I can feel the teachers still correcting me on some point that I’m yet to fully grasp . . . ).

So . . . was it really a complete failure? you ask. Well, thank goodness, not completely. The students did speak and write using new adjectives of opinion, which was my primary aim. And they did also talk and write about free time activities using things like: “go shopping,” “go see a movie,” “go watch a football match,” which was my secondary aim. BUT, I hadn’t made the context clear. They were confused. “Bad teacher, bad teacher, don’t confuse the students,” a chorus of monkeys is somewhere saying. Use ICQs (instruction checking questions) and elicit the meaning first to make sure they understand the concept or vocabulary, i.e. elicit and use CCQs (concept checking questions) before modeling and drilling.

“What the heck?” again you ask. “This is what we’ve been learning,” I reply.

So, here I sit with three more days of “school.” The egg on my face has been carefully washed away. Though humbled, I’m happy to say that I have one more teaching practice to do before the course is finished. “How lucky is that?” you ask. “Very,” I reply. One of the main reasons I decided to take this CELTA course was because of the practice teaching that would be included, and the experienced teachers who would guide and instruct us (in our blindness, I’d like to add : ).

Three more days and one more teaching practice. Sounds perfect to me.

And oh, the following arrived in my email “in” box just before I left school yesterday. (I subscribe to a daily whatchamacallit.)

“Each moment can celebrate the reality of Divine blessing

or can be filled with blame and regret.

The choice is yours, beloved.

At all times you choose the life you wish to live.”

Yep, I thought the timing was perfect too.

And with that, I shall start my day and give thanks for the many Divine blessings that are ever present.

I love you all.

sj : )

(*) according to the wise geek online

(**) This may be a complete misuse of the second saying, but I can see it; I can see myself walking around and bumping into trees with messy dripping egg running down my face.

(***) most very? you ask. You’re going to be teaching English and you’re writing “most very”???? Yep, I am. It seems to fit in this instance of extremes.

a. “If only I’d been more romantic with her!”

Form: If only I ‘d been

If only + Subject + auxiliary ‘had’ + past participle (V3)

Phonology: /ɪf nliː(GA)/əʊnlɪ(RP) aid ben mɔr(GA)/mɔː(RP) roʊmæntɪk wɪθhər(GA)/hɜːr(RP)/

Meaning: ‘If only’ is used to express regret about an action in the past.

Concept Check Questions: Am I sorry? Yes.

Do I wish things were different? Yes.

Am I thinking about the past? Yes.

Context: Years ago I met the most perfect woman. She was smart, funny, and pretty. I had no idea then how special she was. If only I’d been more romantic with her.

GA = General American

RP = Received Pronunciation

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What a difference a day makes!

Yes, I’ve made it over that hump. Whew.

Somehow I got the gumption to get down to task and get my work done. I finished the lesson plan by *1 a.m. and then crashed for a great sleep until 6:30 ish when I awoke and finished the written assignment.

As the stars were aligned with great goodness and generosity (Were they really? you ask; I have no idea; I just know that they were for this tired student : ), I didn’t have to be at school until 10:25 a.m. What a gift! I was able to finish my assignment, print it, and have it ready for turning in later in the day. I literally walked into the class room at the stroke of 10:25; the teacher arrived about 2-minutes later. Perfect!

My head was the size of a pumpkin though all morning during class. It was an especially interesting session (really!) on how to teach writing. But there was one point when we were to match the description of different stages with their names. It literally hurt my brain to try and identify the correct matches. Really, it was a physical pain. So did I do the exercise? No, I matched about 2 out of 10 and gave myself a “pass” for the rest. I did make note of the answers for review when the pumpkin turns back into a . . . no, not a mouse, but something more resembling of a brain than a pumpkin.

The effects of my muddled mind were still evident when I ordered lunch. Yesterday at lunch, the cute young Thai waitress at a local restaurant I’ve found gently told me how to say rice, “Kow” (like how, I realize that I could be completely wrong, but that’s how it sounded to my non-Asian ears.) So today, when ordering lunch at a casual little spot on the ground floor of the school building, I just vaguely remembered a 3-letter word that started with K. But what I remembered was more like “Koʊ” (like know). So, did I get rice with lunch? Yes, but not because of anything I said. When she served me a Coca-Cola I realized my mistake. The rice? She simply said, “Rice?” to which I dumbly nodded, “Yes.” And so it goes in the world of having no idea how to speak the local language. Fortunately, the Thai are generally such nice people that my blunders don’t get in the way of getting something delicious for lunch. Yes, it was good. Spicy and good.**

Good night everyone. May you have a most wonderful and peaceful day. And oh, I wanted to tell you that I saw the most beautiful act of random kindness today enroute to school.

I was walking up these stairs to the BTS (skytrain) when I came upon a blind man just in front of me. I hadn’t realized that he was blind until a thoughtful young man coming down the stairs saw him, turned around in his tracks, took the man’s arm, and gently guided him up to the top of the platform directing him along the right path. Remember in the movie Amelie when she did something similar with the blind man outside the metro station? It felt like that, playful, fun, and just plain considerate. : ) Yes, the Thai people continue to show such generosity with one another.

Nightie night.

*Why’d it take so long? you ask. Because it did. I was tired and there were so many details to go through that I just couldn’t rush it. The teaching practice went fine, not perfect, but fine. (Is there such a thing as a “perfect” lesson? I don’t know; I’ll let you know when I teach one. I met my aim, and that’s what counts. The students learned something.) The topic? Celebrations. I talked for a couple of minutes about celebrations in Hawaii—first year baby luaus and May Day Lei Day. And then the students talked about the celebrations in their countries, read some fake blogs about celebrations, answered some questions about the blogs, etc.

**The coca-cola was probably exactly what I needed before teaching the sixth of my eight practice sessions. I didn’t feel any effects of the caffeine.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I've hit the CELTA wall . . .

You know that “wall” they talk about in marathons. That place where your legs supposedly turn to jelly and you just want to sit down and call it quits? It’s supposed to happen around mile 20. Twenty divided by 26.2 = .76. Or, think of it as you’ve run 76% of the race and have 24% more to go. The percentage is similar for little ole me sitting here at my desk in Bangkok. 20 days of school; I’ve just completed day 13. Thirteen divided by 20 = .65. There’s only 35% more to go. And there’s a hill facing me. A hill with two bumps in the shape of a lesson plan and written assignment. I hadn’t realized that this moment might come. But just google “marathon wall,” and you’ll see how much has been written about it.

What the heck are you doing, Susan Jane, comparing an English teaching course to a marathon? You’ve got to be kidding!

Well, I’m not. That’s how it feels. I’m at that point where I just want to lie on my bed and watch one Lucy show after another. (I just watched one but somehow managed to kick myself out of bed and up into this chair.)

But we thought you wanted to do this course?

I did. I do. I just gotta find the will to keep going.

What do all those blogs say about getting over the marathon wall?

Essentially, stop thinking about it, and just keep going. Ignore the fatigue. Take one step and then another. One step and then another. Until you’ve distracted yourself and forgotten that you were tired, until you find you’re almost there and can sigh a huge sigh of relief.


(yes, I'm indulging myself and calling my "sigh" card now)

And with that, I’m going to get back to work.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It tasted as good as it looked . . . and the roses smelled delicious too!

Hi Everyone,

It’s 7:01 p.m. on the 12th day out of 20 at this most wonderful CELTA course in Bangkok, Thailand.

Whew! It’s downhill from here on out! (I think : )

I was on my way home from yet another action-packed day (complete with practice teaching, today it was #5 out of 8).

So how is it? I can hear a chorus of you yelling across the byways, highways and seas.

Well, it’s intense.

Duh, it IS an intensive course I hear the teachers saying.

Yep, it is.

But it’s good. The people involved are absolutely wonderful. The teachers are very knowledgeable and caring. The students (who we’re teaching) are excited to be in the class and participate (mostly) fully with an excitement that can be contagious. And my cohorts are absolutely darling people, from the collection of beautiful and smart young ladies from Australia, England, and the U.S. to the varied men of all ages and nationalities.

We’re all here for different and similar reasons. To be with a sister who works and lives here. To be with boyfriends who work and live here. To be with Thai wives who work and live here. To be able to go back home and work (home being Vietnam, Malaysia, and the Philippines). To gain experience before starting a business in Thailand based around language schools. I’m sure there are even more reasons, but those are the ones who raised their hands and said, “Pick me! Pick me!”

What’s a typical day like? I think I mentioned before that the mornings are generally devoted to learning about all (and I do mean ALL) the different types of lesson plans. The below picture I took today during our one-and-only review session with all three teachers present at once.

We (okay, mostly me) were trying to get a handle on all the different types and their particular stages (sections, really, chapters. Pick a word, any word; I bet it’ll fit).

Then we meet with our tutor of the week and go over our plan to see what we’re going to do and if the tutor thinks it’ll work. Gradually, we’re becoming more and more responsible for the exact structure of the lesson.

Then, some people go out for lunch for a hot and spicy 30 BHT soup (30 BHT = $1). Some run downstairs to the British ex-pat who makes a mean tuna fish sandwich for 35 BHT (and a cookie’s only 15BHT), salads are around 80BHT. Some go to the Subway downstairs (haven’t gotten one, so I don’t know the cost). Regardless what they eat, they’re sure to not run out of choices. I’ve never seen so many food vendors in my life.

The mango smoothie in the shot at the top of the page? 30BHT. The veggie spring rolls that I ate (but didn’t photograph) were 100BHT. The going rate for a smoothie is between 30 (watermelon one, yum!) to this high-end mango one for all of 60BHT. I suppose the extra 10BHT are to pay for the wonderful ambience of this little tropical paradise in the midst of Bangkok madness. I feel a bit of Kauai-ness here, AND they have wi-fi. Can’t beat that!

When I left school this evening (around 6:15 p.m.—I generally arrive at 8 a.m. so that I have an hour to get my head on straight, papers in order, copies made, etc.), I thought I was going to grab a quick bite and then head straight home to start in on Written Assignment #3 out of 4. Well, I do still have plans to do the assignment tonight (or at least make major headway, it’s due Thursday by 6 p.m.), but this pleasant outdoor Thai café called out to me. “Susan Jane! Here’s where you want to have dinner. Remember that wonderful smoothie you had last week; you can get pupus too. And there’s wi-fi. And beautiful roses that smell wonderful too.”

Who could resist such a seductive call? Not moi, that’s for sure. So here I sit and type. It’s now 7:24 p.m., the smoothie is just about pau (finished for non-Hawaiians/Kauaians), and the spring rolls are long gone. And the assignment sits in my heavy backpack saying, “Ah, I won’t be too hard on you. Just a little this and that about writing lesson plans on reading, using skimming, scanning, detailed reading . . . it’ll be easy!”

Ha! I’ve heard that mischevious call before. Just last week it came from Written Assignment #2. The assignment that somehow turned into the exercise from *:#(! It just didn’t want to end, couldn’t say goodbye, wanted just one more peck on my cheek before it turned its back on me and found another. But end it did. Just in time for me to be free and go for a pint with all my fellow students at Molly Malone’s. An Irish Pub in Bangkok, you ask? You’ve got to be kidding! That seems so ordinary compared to: Bei Otto, a German restaurant; Chela, a Swiss restaurant; suchandsuch, a Mexican restaurant; somethingother, a Scandinavian restaurant; ad infinitum. You get the picture. There’s EVERYTHING here in Bangkok.

Okay, so there are lots of restaurants, Susan Jane. But what about the teaching? What’s that like?

Well, you know how you got ready for your first date? Did you hair (alright guys, this relates to you just as well as girls!) and nails. Took days to pick out the right outfit. Which shoes to wear? Should I bring that purse or the other one? Should we go to a movie? Do we get pizza first or after? And what if she/he doesn’t like pizza? What if we don’t have anything to talk about? What’s the best move to get my arm around her? Or hold her hand? (And with that: How can I get him to move his arm? Hand?) . . . okay, you get the picture. Remember????

It’s kind of like that. You plan and plan, but somehow it all falls part. Or, the pizza is served cold. Or, something gets caught in your braces and you don’t realize it’s been hanging out of your mouth all night. Or, you reach over to kiss her and you butt heads; your glasses get tangled in hers/his. Stop! Stop! I hear you all calling out! (It’s amazing how you’re all able to speak in unison from all parts of the world. : ) We get the picture; it’s painful!

Yes, it can be painful.

But it can be pleasant too. Remember when you looked over at him/her and exchanged the most precious smile? When you held hands and that warm palpitation rose up your entire body and made your cheeks glow?

Well, it can be like that too. In the midst of the uncertainty, the doubt, the worry. Sweet little moments rise up and say, “Keep going; it’ll be alright. Just smile. A smile goes a long way.”

So with that, my friends, I shall bid you adieu. Yes, the date bells are ringing that it’s time for my next rendezvous.

I wish you all well and thank you so very much for your little notes of encouragement. They mean a lot. Like that timid smile, they’re just what’s needed when you’re painfully aware that you’re in new territory, and the course is unclear.



p.s. photo collection from the past week . . .

Friday watching out the window . . .

What's all the fuss?

That's what. A election campaign parade. They're the same the world over.

Then it was time to head to Molly's somethingorother Irish Pub.

This was the first time we all got together to blow off steam. End of week two.


It was Howard's birthday too!

I managed to find a grocery store on my own, and then celebrated (e v e r y t h i n g: end of week 2, being healthy, being in BKK, having wonderful friends, family . . . yes, everything!) with a delicious café latte and chocolate cup of something yummy.

Yep, this is his hang.

Saturday afternoon/evening some of us gathered at one of the student's beautiful home; she had graciously invited us over for a barbecue and dip in the pool!

And on the way home from the party, I saw yet another political rally. Nope, I didn't linger. Good night ya'll!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

So much has happened . . . !

But there’s just not time now to write about it all. I completed my third of eight practice teaching sessions this afternoon. Today’s was definitely the best. : ) I turned in my first written assignment this past Monday and am looking at a 13-page document that is the second written assignment; it’s due this Friday.

A rhythm to the school day has slowly emerged. Eighteen people are in the group. Morning sessions run from 9 a.m. to 12:40 p.m. with one of the three teachers presenting information regarding lesson plans, language systems, etc. They somehow manage to do it in an interesting way. Generally, they’re using the teaching methods that they want us to use.

Then, every afternoon around 1:45 p.m. the students begin to arrive. They come from all parts of the world: Thailand, Japan, Pakistan, Somalia, you name it! The 18 split up into three groups of 6. Two groups are currently teaching students at the intermediate level; one group is teaching more elementary level students. Next week we’ll switch so that we all have an opportunity to experience both levels. We’re each teaching two 40-minute classes per week (the first three weeks). The fourth and last week we’ll each teach two 60-minute classes. (I’m down to teach on the last day, Friday the 24th. Talk about coming down to the wire!)

So, that’s the deal pickle. I’m enjoying it, but I’ll admit that when we came across the sentence, “She’s looking forward to the end of the course” in one of our exercises the other day*, I had to chuckle to myself and say, “Well, yes, I too am enjoying it, but I’m also looking forward to the end of it.” What’s the saying? It’s not the destination; it’s the journey? Fortunately, this girl IS enjoying the journey.

Love to you all. Below are some shots of Bangkok life, which the school accurately calls “the charming chaos of your new environment.”



*We were making CCQs (concept checking questions) to see if they students understand the meaning of the underlined portion. This statement’s CCQs were: "Will she be happy when it is finished?" (Yes), "Is the course finished?" (No), “Does she often think about the end of the course?” (Yes is the “official” answer, but from where I’m sitting, there’s not time to think about anything but the course! : )

The dog days of Bangkok

Do you see what I see?

Found a park about 10-minutes away (by foot) from where I'm staying. : )

Soccer-like Volleyball (really fun to watch!)

A nice place to hang-out

Plenty to look at . . .

There are construction sites everywhere!

View from Sky train when enroute to school one day

Thank God for flowers !